Prayer Simplified

12/17/2014: Prayer simplified. Through the Biblical authorized method of prayer we have access to someone who can do something about the issues of life concerning us; namely God Almighty. Notice the moniker “Almighty”

Biblically everyone is qualified, since the standard is low, “whosoever”.

We follow the prescribed Biblical procedure. We approach God Almighty according to Psalm 100 with praise and thanksgiving as we enter figuratively the gates and court yard of His palace.

At that point we still do not have direct access. We must have legal representation to approach the throne. There is only one way. That is via Jesus of Nazereth who said, “No one comes to the Father except through me?” So our approach uses the Name of Jesus to get an audience with God Almighty. Jesus has legal authority to made the introduction which we cannot do on our own. So we must open the prayer with thanksgiving and make clear at the beginning or end, “In Jesus Name”.

Now that we are in front of God Almighty we have been given an invitation to “make our requests be made known.” Furthermore we are advised that “if we have not, it is because we have asked not”. This is a good time to include all your needs.

The petition is limitless in that it invites use to “cast all of our cares upon Him because He cares for us.”

Having this information there should be nothing holding you back. You must first forget trying to solve your problems on your own. The Word says, “Lean not on your on understanding.”

Also we are not to rely on human strength, no matter how powerful as the Word says, “He who depends upon the arm of man is cursed already”. It is true that it may be a person who is the conduit of God’s grace and deliverance, but not the source.

So let us get started on getting some answers and direction.