What is Dr. Lanny Up To?

The Only Way to Real Change

It is recorded in ancient writings that the “evil being” is the father or lies. In other words the person of the devil originates and propagates all lies.

Knowing that and recognizing the abundance of lies and liars in our society and even our personal lives, those of us that are Christians have a means to change this state of affairs.

We have the authority to speak against every lying demon spirit that is speaking and working through people here on earth to be bound and made of no effect in Jesus mighty name. We can look at the person who is speaking the untruth but we are no speaking to them, but to the spirit speaking through them. Jesus showed that model when he looked at Peter but spoke to the devil saying “Get thee behind me Satan”.

I am also saying it is not a matter of a prayer but speaking out loud to the demon, just as Jesus spoke to the unfruitful fig tree, cursed its non productivity and is withered. Speak to the mountain of lies and bind them.

What am I up to?

“Not always this laid back”
“Not always this laid back”

Thank you for asking.  A blog seemed like the best way to answer this question on a regular basis. In addition, this blog provides a means for me to keep track in an organized fashion of what I am up to.

The information will be in one place for recording memoirs and historical events. It will be a place to document the present and consider the future.

I expect to regularly make entries concerning various categories: physician/surgeon; medical research and development; the golf adventures and Life. You may see a recent post or follow the topic that might interest you.

Let me know what you think as this blog will becomes my “Lectronic Legacy” in what ever time remains.

Answering the frequently asked question (FAQ) of what am I up to now?

A BLOG seemed the best and most efficient means of answering the FAQs on a regular basis.  It might be said that I wear multiple hats or have many interests.  Discovery in medicine will always be the main topic.  However there are other categories; Golf Adventures, Inventions, and some Christian writings.  Hopefully the BLOG will be a format to tell what I am up to in each of these main endeavors.  It seems almost daily there are interesting events; at least to me. Perhaps the events may be of interest to others.

I want to make it clear, I am not retired.  Retirement it is bad for one’s health.  I concluded my clinical practice in 1995, but work regularly in these various endeavors.  I do not see anywhere in the Bible where retirement is to be desired or realized.  I have told my daughters that I will not be speaking at my retirement party.

From time to time I will answer publicly herein those questions that recently surfaced and may be of general interest.  I will not be recording what I had on my hot dog at a ball game, let alone focus on mundane events.

I trust I will accomplish the intended goal of answering “What am I up to?”

The Only Way to Real Change

It is recorded in ancient writings that the “evil being” is the father or lies. In other words the person of the devil originates and propagates all lies.

Knowing that and recognizing the abundance of lies and liars in our society and even our personal lives, those of us that are Christians have a means to change this state of affairs.

We have the authority to speak against every lying demon spirit that is speaking and working through people here on earth to be bound and made of no effect in Jesus mighty name. We can look at the person who is speaking the untruth but we are no speaking to them, but to the spirit speaking through them. Jesus showed that model when he looked at Peter but spoke to the devil saying “Get thee behind me Satan”.

I am also saying it is not a matter of a prayer but speaking out loud to the demon, just as Jesus spoke to the unfruitful fig tree, cursed its non productivity and is withered. Speak to the mountain of lies and bind them.

Benefit for Joint Health

I want to make sure those who follow this blog see what I have been up to for last 14 years to get this patent and now release the nutraceutical for sale.


Personal insight

Unique source of Personal Insight

Rationalizing is common way to deal with personal failures, but not a way to self-improvement.

I have learned so much about myself when I finally got some insight to being judgmental of other people’s actions.  I started with self-appointed right to judge another person because I am not like them or even better than them.  This is not so.  The something I dislike in the other person turns out to be in reality something deficient in my life that I do not recognize or am not willing to admit.  I can see it in them but not me.  Therefore, I am free to be judgmental.  After receiving a little insight, I saw I was doing the same thing or had the same motive I am judging.

In psychology it is known as projection.  I place or project upon the other person unrecognized actions or motives that are in my life.  My dislike for their action or motive is the same dislike I would have for myself if I had any insight at all.

The Bible was first to bring this psychological principle to light.  The bible says judge not least you be judged in like manner. 

Matthew 7:1 says “Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again”. 

What you are judging in another person just happens to be one you share.   You are doing the same thing or have the same motive.  The judgement you are rendering will come back on you with the inherent consequences in same manner and magnitude.  This principle is universally activated just like the law of gravity.  You cannot see the law of gravity until you jump.  Being judgmental will fulfill the principle of reaping what you have sown.  The agricultural analogy of like kind is if you plant a seed of corn, you will get corn, not sunflowers.  How you judge another will be a judgment coming back on you so you may gain personal insight.  You are doing the same thing or have the same motive.

My most memorable example of being judgmental I have labeled the hemorrhoid story.  In Deuteronomy 28;27 it says that a curse of the law is having “emerods,” readily understood to be hemorrhoids.  There is no Biblical or non- biblical argument that hemorrhoids are not a curse.  I personally had hemorrhoids when out of fellowship with the Lord and know the condition is not a blessing.  After repenting and being restored I was walking the best I knew in righteousness and no hemorrhoids for years.  Then one day in surgery I had the sudden feeling of a hemorrhoid.  I knew that could not be since I was in right relationship with God.  Yet it felt like what I remembered.  I even told God this could not be since I was so righteous. I should have said self-righteous.  However, just to be sure, after the surgery I went to the locker room for the confirmation.  To my surprise, I had a hemorrhoid.  I again told God this could not be even though the evidence was to the contrary.

I then accepted the diagnosis and asked again, “How could this be?”  The immediate response was that I judged two Christian friends who had hemorrhoids as not being righteous like me.  The answer was a simple truth, “Judge not least you be judged in like manner also.”  This is the most tangible example of the Word of God in action I can remember, the hemorrhoids.   Think about this and avoid the consequences.  What you see in others you do not like might just be something you would not like in yourself especially if raised to the level of being judgmental.

Since I became aware of the personal weakness of being judgmental, I quickly change to plan B when I see the fault in another.  I immediately self-examine for the same issue in my life.  I am doing the same thing as those I have judged.  A common desire to be judgmental happens when I see a colleague with an insatiable appetite for recognition.  It must have started as a youth by “hey, mom, no hands, look at me” when riding a bike.  They cannot restrain from talking about themselves.  They want to be loved and have recognition.  I am not going to judge.  I also what to be loved and have recognition.  I have gone about it more silent manner having learned the Biblical truth over and over that pride precedes a fall.  This is what I like about the Bible where it gives instruction not to let your praise come out of your own mouth.  I recognize what I have been given is a gift and the blessings are not of my doing.  Therefore, I must move forward asking for the creation of a humble spirit within me to counter my carnal desires.  I want a steadfast spirit to keep humility going.  I will stay away from being judgmental and another hemorrhoid story.

After that experience, if someone asked me what did I think about a well known good Christian who was reported to have cancer. My immediate response would be “no opinion”.

I do not need to correct them but me.  I have learned that I am a full-time job.  We are cautioned to exercise good judgement, without being judgmental.  Being judgmental is casting dispersions.  After all we are not the ultimate judge.  That job has already been taken by God.  No “Help Wanted” signs have been posted.

Never to old to keep learning

I often have disagreement with what the Bible states.  I have challenged the following verse many times.  “No good thing will he withhold from those who walk uprightly” (Psalm 84:11)

There were relationships and or my medical initiatives in years past in which I was positive at the time that God was acting contrary to His Word.  He was withholding a good thing.  I have lived long enough to learn what happened to those from the broken relationships and have thanked God.  I keep learning the principle over and over with my medical ventures.  I argued repeatedly He was withholding a good thing.  Of course, to no avail.  I would check to see that I met the condition of walking uprightly.  If I was not, then I would repent and make sure I was qualified.  No one, even the Holy Spirit could convince me that a good thing was being withheld.   His Word was to the contrary to my experience.  As time passed, I learned the ultimate outcome, it was clear God was not withholding any good thing.  It was hard to believe at the time.

The most recent disagreement accompanied my application for US patent that protocatechuic acid would treat osteoarthritis. The submitted claims were limited to only osteoarthritis on synovial joints in that there as clear evidence of prior art for treatment of other forms of arthritis; rheumatoid or psoriatic.  I had solid supporting evidence from human in vitro testing and animal research.  I went through refusal after refusal, each one modifying the claim language hoping for acceptance.  The was one prior art from a US patent that was in no way directly related nor ever activated from 26 years ago.  The examiner continued to use that patent against my application.  I went to Washington D.C with my attorney to meet with the examiner, but to no avail.  I wanted to tell her but did not that she was interfering with God’s will in my life.  If I had, she would have been sure I was a nut case and exercise her authority to protect society from me.

While that patent was withheld, I had the time to learn what other potential medical applications there could be for protocatechuic acid.  There were many.  Subsequent study and research led to more than 20 additional valuable medical application patents for protocatechuic acid which I am pursuing translation to clinical medicine.

I continued to petition the US patent office to grant my osteoarthritis patent.  I spent lots of money and time.  I had my 4th patent attorney and several patent examiners.  After 14 years the patent was granted by a subsequent examiner, but not what I had asked, but better.

I had asked only for osteo arthritis limited to synovial joints.  The issued claims includes all forms of injury and or disease to any type of joint which if applied for by specific name would not be possible to achieve.  This is the exact claim #1 language.

A method for treating or reducing the severity of a joint injury or disease in a mammal comprising: orally administering a composition consisting of protocatechuic acid in a capsule to the mammal, wherein the composition is at least 0.035 mmol protocatechuic acid per kilogram bodyweight of the mammal.

Remember the original claims were limited to osteoarthritis in synovial joints because there as clear evidence of prior art for other forms of arthritis; rheumatoid or psoriatic.   The granted patent by its language included any and all “joint injury or disease”.  Therefore, all joints, all injuries and all disease are protected by this intellectual property. 

Amazing, God was not withholding any good thing.  I was granted a patent with the most board claims possible and 20 plus other valuable medical patents I never would have considered if granted the first one in a timely way. 

 I now have more evidence that His Word is true, and He is not a person that he should lie.  By now, you would think I should trust His Word over my experience.  I guess that is why the Word says we should “go by faith not by sight”.  Also, it says, and I can now confirm “Do not lean on your own understanding.”

Asking God for Evidence of a Tangible Reality

Asking for a tangible reality of Jesus is not new.  If fact it is a good idea.

Thomas called Didymus who became better known as doubting Thomas said, “until I see the imprints of the nails on his hands and feet and put my hand in his side, I will not believe.”

Fair enough.  Seems reasonable.

Then the Word says in John 20:27-29, Jesus became present and knowing ahead of time of Thomas concerns starts by saying, “Peace be with you.” 

 27 Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.”

28 Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!”

29 Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

Two messages in this account.  One is that Jesus welcomes our need for a tangible reality of Him, as when the Word became flesh as in John 1:14 and Thomas’s need for confirmation.

The other one is more amazing that how blessed are we who have not seen Jesus in the flesh and believe on the written Word.

Insight to God’s requests of you.

What God is asking of you in the natural should be an introduction to what He wants to do for you spiritually.

The basis is John 4:7-10.  When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, “Will you give me a drink?” (His disciples had gone into the town to buy food.)

The Samaritan woman said to him, “You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink?” (For Jews do not associate with Samaritans.[a])

10 Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.”

New Research

Weight loss medications are all the rage today.  They are usually given by injection and have side effects including a rare form of blindness.  Not surprisingly, all have the caveat that the treatment must be accompanied by diet and exercise.

I am exploring a safe and effective while inexpensive means of rendering the same health benefit; lowering blood sugar and weight loss.

I have been studying a food substance protocatechuic acid (PCA) for near 20 years.  I have multiple US patents related to its various health benefits.

It is possible that protocatechuic acid taken as a food supplement may have a role in control of type II diabetes and/or weight loss.

There is a basis for this in that it is in the literature that polyphenols in general may have a role in treatment of type II diabetes and weight loss.  Protocatechuic acid is chemically a polyphenol.

Wang, Y.; Alkhalidy, H.; Liu, D. The Emerging Role of Polyphenols in the Management of Type 2 Diabetes. Molecules 2021, 26, 703. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules26030703.

Cremonini E, Daveri E, Mastaloudis A, Oteiza PI. (-)-Epicatechin and Anthocyanins Modulate GLP-1 Metabolism: Evidence from C57BL/6J Mice and GLUTag Cells. J Nutr. 2021 Jun 1;151(6):1497-1506. doi: 10.1093/jn/nxab029. PMID: 33693759; PMCID: PMC8659349.

Massimo D’Archivio, Beatrice Scazzocchio, Annalisa Silenzi, Claudio Giovannini, Roberta Masella,  Chapter 14 – Role of Protocatechuic Acid in Obesity-Related Pathologies: An Update,

Editor(s): Ronald Ross Watson, Victor R. Preedy, Sherma Zibadi,

Polyphenols: Mechanisms of Action in Human Health and Disease (Second Edition),

Academic Press,  2018,  Pages 181-192,  ISBN 9780128130063,



Therefore, I have launched a randomized double blinded controlled human study to confirm or refute what is in the literature and explore the potential new health benefits to taking daily PCA.

We are asking the question of what effect will dose related oral PCA have on the human blood clotting, blood glucose, body weight, and biomarkers for immunity (CXLX9) and weight control protein glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1)*.

* Glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) is a hormone made in the small intestine usually following eating.  GLP-1 is a 30 amino acid peptide that has the following effects.

  • Increases insulin release from the pancreas which decreases blood sugar.
  • Blocks the glucagon hormone which effect otherwise would raise your blood sugar.  GLP-1 prevents glucose entering the blood stream.
  • Slows the stomach emptying which therefore slows down the release of sugar into the blood stream.
  • Gives a sense of satisfaction that one is full after eating.  This is called a satiety factor.