The Only Way to Real Change

It is recorded in ancient writings that the “evil being” is the father or lies. In other words the person of the devil originates and propagates all lies.

Knowing that and recognizing the abundance of lies and liars in our society and even our personal lives, those of us that are Christians have a means to change this state of affairs.

We have the authority to speak against every lying demon spirit that is speaking and working through people here on earth to be bound and made of no effect in Jesus mighty name. We can look at the person who is speaking the untruth but we are no speaking to them, but to the spirit speaking through them. Jesus showed that model when he looked at Peter but spoke to the devil saying “Get thee behind me Satan”.

I am also saying it is not a matter of a prayer but speaking out loud to the demon, just as Jesus spoke to the unfruitful fig tree, cursed its non productivity and is withered. Speak to the mountain of lies and bind them.