What is Dr. Lanny Up To?

The Only Way to Real Change

It is recorded in ancient writings that the “evil being” is the father or lies. In other words the person of the devil originates and propagates all lies.

Knowing that and recognizing the abundance of lies and liars in our society and even our personal lives, those of us that are Christians have a means to change this state of affairs.

We have the authority to speak against every lying demon spirit that is speaking and working through people here on earth to be bound and made of no effect in Jesus mighty name. We can look at the person who is speaking the untruth but we are no speaking to them, but to the spirit speaking through them. Jesus showed that model when he looked at Peter but spoke to the devil saying “Get thee behind me Satan”.

I am also saying it is not a matter of a prayer but speaking out loud to the demon, just as Jesus spoke to the unfruitful fig tree, cursed its non productivity and is withered. Speak to the mountain of lies and bind them.

What am I up to?

“Not always this laid back”
“Not always this laid back”

Thank you for asking.  A blog seemed like the best way to answer this question on a regular basis. In addition, this blog provides a means for me to keep track in an organized fashion of what I am up to.

The information will be in one place for recording memoirs and historical events. It will be a place to document the present and consider the future.

I expect to regularly make entries concerning various categories: physician/surgeon; medical research and development; the golf adventures and Life. You may see a recent post or follow the topic that might interest you.

Let me know what you think as this blog will becomes my “Lectronic Legacy” in what ever time remains.

Answering the frequently asked question (FAQ) of what am I up to now?

A BLOG seemed the best and most efficient means of answering the FAQs on a regular basis.  It might be said that I wear multiple hats or have many interests.  Discovery in medicine will always be the main topic.  However there are other categories; Golf Adventures, Inventions, and some Christian writings.  Hopefully the BLOG will be a format to tell what I am up to in each of these main endeavors.  It seems almost daily there are interesting events; at least to me. Perhaps the events may be of interest to others.

I want to make it clear, I am not retired.  Retirement it is bad for one’s health.  I concluded my clinical practice in 1995, but work regularly in these various endeavors.  I do not see anywhere in the Bible where retirement is to be desired or realized.  I have told my daughters that I will not be speaking at my retirement party.

From time to time I will answer publicly herein those questions that recently surfaced and may be of general interest.  I will not be recording what I had on my hot dog at a ball game, let alone focus on mundane events.

I trust I will accomplish the intended goal of answering “What am I up to?”

Any relevance to Today?

This ancient proverb may have some relevance today.

Cursed shalt thou be in the city, and cursed shalt thou be in the field.

Reference for the proverb, causation and the conditions thereof upon request.

Consider the Source

5/23/2020: Considering the Source is more important today than ever before. There seems to be more agenda driven information, hidden agenda stuff, conspiracy theories, deception, deceit and out right lying than ever before. One does not have to look very far for confirmation.

This has forced me to return to the common denominator; consider the source. I want to learn about the source and “where are they coming from?” Knowing the source allows me to put in perspective the information. Most false information has some plausible factual basis weaved into the story line. This serves as the “hook” to get us to buy into the argument. Discernment is necessary to avoid advancing to the “line and sinker” stage, the response the author is seeking.

We are searching for the “truth of the matter”. Interestingly, the ancient literature indicates that truth is a person. (John 14:6) Truth is not the end result of reason or scientific research. It is a person; really? Test the hypothesis and settle this for your self.

Jerry Sloan; one of my first famous athlete patients

5/22/2020: I saw in the press that Jerry Sloan, famous basketball player passed away.


He was one of my first famous athlete patients to undergo arthroscopy in the mid 70’s. I remember it well as I was lecturing at a meeting in Chicago suburb and his agent arranged for me to come down town and perform a diagnostic arthroscopy under local anesthesia. I did not tell anyone where I went and as my custom I created no publicity. I forgot about it until today.

Malaria Drug? Yes or No?

5/22/2020: Malaria drug; yes or no? The results are based upon patient selection, the common denominator of medical treatment.

That is why reports and opinion are widely diverse on the use of hydroxychloroquine; yes or no. The latest today in very respected journal: Lancet.


The conclusion was no benefit and in fact worse results than not using it.

The subjects (research word for patients) were all sick enough to have been placed in the hospital. They were not patients who showed early symptoms of coronavirus infection. Those so sick they are hospitalized: NO!

Those treated early in the disease get a YES when this is the patient selection criteria.

Allow me to give you an analogy. Aspirin has been reported as beneficial as a preventative for heart disease. Aspirin is not the primary treatment for a patient hospitalized in heart failure.

Michigan Governor’s Folly Continues

5/21/2020: Michigan governor’s response to the Midland flood is that she will sue the responsible party.

Guess who? The State of Michigan who has oversight and determined the structure was sound.

The following responsible party information from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edenville_Dam

“Following the federal government’s 2018 license revocation, the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) took oversight of the dam, which involved temporarily lowering the lake by 7 feet.[11] EGLE determined that the dam was structurally sound.[12]”

“[12] Erin Ailworth; John D. Stoll (May 20, 2020). “Failed Michigan Dam Lost License in 2018”. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved May 21, 2020. After its license was revoked by FERC, regulation of the Edenville dam was taken over by the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy in 2018. Spokesman Nick Assendelft said the agency inspected the dam in October 2018 and found it structurally sound.”

Incomplete data analysis on Coronavirus Incidence

5/20/2020: The incidence of coronavirus cases are increasing because the frequency of testing is increasing. That should not be surprising nor unexpected. The magnitude of the condition is not reported; asymptomatic or symptomatic patient, just positive or negative test.

The incidence of coronavirus cases with hospital admissions are high perhaps for this contributing reason.

Reimbursement has always been the name of the game in medical economics. Now there is bonus money for coding as COVID-19 for billing purposes. Medicare will pay hospitals a 20% “add-on” to the regular DRG payment for a billing coding of a patient with the new government COVID-19 billing codes.

Medicare has determined that a hospital gets paid $13,000 more if a COVID-19 patient on Medicare is admitted and $39,000 more if the patient goes on a ventilator with the coronavirus diagnosis.


This is in addition to the base reimbursement. What you incentivize you will get more of. Ever wonder why the high incidence of COVID-19 patients?

The real numbers may never be known.