What is Dr. Lanny Up To?

The Only Way to Real Change

It is recorded in ancient writings that the “evil being” is the father or lies. In other words the person of the devil originates and propagates all lies.

Knowing that and recognizing the abundance of lies and liars in our society and even our personal lives, those of us that are Christians have a means to change this state of affairs.

We have the authority to speak against every lying demon spirit that is speaking and working through people here on earth to be bound and made of no effect in Jesus mighty name. We can look at the person who is speaking the untruth but we are no speaking to them, but to the spirit speaking through them. Jesus showed that model when he looked at Peter but spoke to the devil saying “Get thee behind me Satan”.

I am also saying it is not a matter of a prayer but speaking out loud to the demon, just as Jesus spoke to the unfruitful fig tree, cursed its non productivity and is withered. Speak to the mountain of lies and bind them.

What am I up to?

“Not always this laid back”
“Not always this laid back”

Thank you for asking.  A blog seemed like the best way to answer this question on a regular basis. In addition, this blog provides a means for me to keep track in an organized fashion of what I am up to.

The information will be in one place for recording memoirs and historical events. It will be a place to document the present and consider the future.

I expect to regularly make entries concerning various categories: physician/surgeon; medical research and development; the golf adventures and Life. You may see a recent post or follow the topic that might interest you.

Let me know what you think as this blog will becomes my “Lectronic Legacy” in what ever time remains.

Answering the frequently asked question (FAQ) of what am I up to now?

A BLOG seemed the best and most efficient means of answering the FAQs on a regular basis.  It might be said that I wear multiple hats or have many interests.  Discovery in medicine will always be the main topic.  However there are other categories; Golf Adventures, Inventions, and some Christian writings.  Hopefully the BLOG will be a format to tell what I am up to in each of these main endeavors.  It seems almost daily there are interesting events; at least to me. Perhaps the events may be of interest to others.

I want to make it clear, I am not retired.  Retirement it is bad for one’s health.  I concluded my clinical practice in 1995, but work regularly in these various endeavors.  I do not see anywhere in the Bible where retirement is to be desired or realized.  I have told my daughters that I will not be speaking at my retirement party.

From time to time I will answer publicly herein those questions that recently surfaced and may be of general interest.  I will not be recording what I had on my hot dog at a ball game, let alone focus on mundane events.

I trust I will accomplish the intended goal of answering “What am I up to?”

New Patents issued

11,751,799 B1 September 12, 2023. Methods and Systems for diagnosing Cognitive Conditions.

I am seeking studies at Duke, Vanderbilt and Michigan State to find the few predictive tests to make and manage the diagnosis of sport concussion. We are using two new testing modalities I learned during my time teaching on the PCA tour; tactile edge orientation processing and micro electrical mechanical sensors.

Should be able to transport to traumatic brain injury and senile demenia.

11,759,443 B2 September 19, 2023 Methods and compositions including protocatechuic acid crystals for the treatment of respiratory syncytial virus.  

This is one of many disease caused by encoated virus. I would need a partner to clinically develop.

The History of My Special Insights

Today I recalled the first time I had a Dairy Queen cone. It was so good I returned to the counter and told them so, and encouraged them that this could be a national chain. It already was.

The other one was my first time in New Orleans where I recognized they named streets after songs. Soon after I realized it was the other way around.

Not so smart.

The Only Way to Real Change

It is recorded in ancient writings that the “evil being” is the father or lies. In other words the person of the devil originates and propagates all lies.

Knowing that and recognizing the abundance of lies and liars in our society and even our personal lives, those of us that are Christians have a means to change this state of affairs.

We have the authority to speak against every lying demon spirit that is speaking and working through people here on earth to be bound and made of no effect in Jesus mighty name. We can look at the person who is speaking the untruth but we are no speaking to them, but to the spirit speaking through them. Jesus showed that model when he looked at Peter but spoke to the devil saying “Get thee behind me Satan”.

I am also saying it is not a matter of a prayer but speaking out loud to the demon, just as Jesus spoke to the unfruitful fig tree, cursed its non productivity and is withered. Speak to the mountain of lies and bind them.

Bring attention to Book I wrote

I was impressed to bring your attention to a book I wrote you may download for a gift to this ministry of any amount. Since zero is an amount you could enter this as one of my friends did by mistake. It was sent since zero is an amount.

See: https://hondocarpenter.com/product/things-my-fathers-told-me/

Thanking way through anything.

5/14/2022:I have learned I can thank my way through anything.

The Word teaches that we are to be thankful for all things and thankful in all things.
(1 Thessalonians 5:18). “Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” As a result, I have learned I can choose to thank my way through whatever circumstance comes my way. I do this by speaking out loud and prefacing the name of whatever the circumstance is with “I am thankful for ….

The recipient of my thanksgiving is God. I then have peace in every circumstance according to 2 Thessalonians 3:16. “Now may the Lord of peace Himself continually grant you peace in every circumstance.”

It then occurred to me that the continually offering of thanks is the Biblical way to approach the presence of God. In Psalm 100:4 it says, “Enter the gates with thanksgiving” and then pass through the courtyards with praise on the way to the Mercy Seat.

This is really a good prescription for all life events, whether judged good or bad.


4/24/2022: In natural life maturity is met as one becomes more independent.

In Christianity the relationship with Christ requires us to become more dependent (on Him). We are not to lean on our own understanding. We are to do everything in word and deed in the Name of Jesus. In fact, we are to get to the place of dependency that outside of Him we can do nothing.

What in the natural may appear as weakness results in great strength.

All the while we are to be mutually inter-dependent with brothers and sisters in Christ.